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- OverDrive Magazine 5,148
- Fiction 143,188
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- Foreign Language 21
- Foreign Language Study - Spanish 18
- Genealogy 18
- Outdoor Recreation 16
- Current Events 13
- Adult 11
- Psychiatry & Psychology 9
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Interest Levels
- Lower Grades (K–3) 9,440
- Middle Grades (4–8) 11,842
- Middle Grades+ (6–12) 2,470
- Upper Grades (9–12) 7,632
Lexile® Measures
- BR–200L 466
- 200L–400L 1,595
- 400L–600L 8,640
- 600L–800L 15,231
- 800L–1000L 8,777
- 1000L–1200L 3,076
- 1200L–1400L 895
- 1400L–1600L 142
- 1600L–1800L 23
- 1800– 1
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